Pennys Demolition Carry Out Works at No. 4, 5 & 6 Cornhill

Pennys Demolition Carry Out Works at No. 4, 5 & 6 Cornhill

On the current new build site are two historic buildings, one is three storey, No. 4 and 5, the other, No. 6, is two storeys built alongside Cornhill which is a narrow pedestrian alleyway. Planning permission was granted around these buildings, which are in the...
Pennys Group Demolish Haygrove School’s Old Building

Pennys Group Demolish Haygrove School’s Old Building

    The demolition team at Pennys are currently undertaking works at at Haygrove School in Bridgwater, Somerset which are scheduled to last around two months. Our scope is to demolish the original familiar red brick 1930’s school building to allow new netball and...
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